iPhone and iPad may not be as affordable as the Android smartphones & tablets, but the way iOS is designed makes it a worthy competitor, one that still can brag with an almost 14% market share worldwide among the big operating system players.

The way it is polished & the extra convenience no other device is currently offering are the main selling points that can almost instantly turn any potential buyer into an avid Apple fan.
Luckily, the apps built on iOS tend to follow the same principles and the most popular eWallet apps make no exception. All are secure, easy to use, and can turn your iPhone into a very smart wallet that you can carry wherever you go.
Which are the best rated, though? This is what this blog post is for: to help you make the right decision when deciding what eWallet app to use on your iPhone or iPad.
4. WebMoney Keeper: 4.3 out of 5 stars
Even if it started quite small targeting the Russian market, WebMoney has grown significantly over the years reaching all Europe and North America.

With WebMoney Keeper available on the App Store, you can now control your financial life every step of the way & chat with friends in the process.
Forget about the financial aspect of the app. Yes, you can issue invoices, pay your utility bills, top-up your card or bank account... you know, the usual features you can find with any eWallet. What’s unique about WebMoney Keeper is that the app is its own small universe with the ability to talk with your friends securely (it has its own encrypted chat integrated) & share all the important moments in your life, whether it’s audio, video, or... picturesque.
If you also own an Apple Watch, you can always check your latest notifications, balances, transactions, and yes, even chat updates. What else can you possibly need?
3. Yandex.Money: 4.7 out of 5 stars
Initially founded as an IT company in Russia, Yandex has exceeded all expectations providing over 70 services in total, today. It now has 18 commercial offices worldwide, including one in Silicon Valley - opened in 2008 - and one in Shanghai (2015).

Yandex.Money is the company’s own eWallet service also available on iOS. The app offers some really unique expenses analytics so you can closely keep an eye on your budget. Additionally, you can also save if you make payments with Yandex.Money: the service offers 1% instant cashback for online payments and a 5% cashback for transactions made with its prepaid card when used in the featured category of the month or for every fifth payment on every other category.
The cashback is returned to your wallet in bonus points that can be used wherever Yandex.Money is accepted. Just be sure to get verified first as unverified
accounts can only use the eWallet service app only in Russian stores.
2. Skrill: 4.5 out of 5 stars
You may wonder why Skrill with a 4.5 rating is ahead of Yandex.Money who currently has a combined 4.7 rating on App Store.

The difference between the two are in volume: while Yandex.Money has quite a small sample size (less than 400 reviews), Skrill has over 1,600 reviews from all
around the world. Thus, Skrill is the more popular app on iOS.
What can you do with the Skrill app? How about everything? You can create your custom eWallet in your currency (currently supports over 40 fiat currencies) &
transfer money from all around the world to your home, whether it’s Europe,
Asia, Australia, or the two Americas.
You can pay on countless online stores for basically all goods & services you can think of, you can also pay offline using the prepaid MasterCard, or you can easily
withdraw your funds via an ATM.
If you’re an investor, you can also use Skrill iOS app to buy and sell cryptocurrencies, starting with the number one Bitcoin and finishing with less popular ones like 0x or Ethereum Classic. Overall, you have the ability to choose from more than 100 payment methods to become a crypto investor. Yes, that over 100! That means no more excuses in delaying the all-new Skrill experience on iOS.
1. PayPal Mobile Cash: 4.8 out of 5 stars
You simply can’t make the wrong choice with PayPal Mobile Cash app on iOS. The app is by far the most popular eWallet on iPhone and iPad with over 2.6 million reviews.

In fact, it is one of the most popular financial apps: it is currently third in the
Finance App Store category after number one Venmo & Wells Fargo Mobile.
Why is that? How about major convenience? Pretty much every online store accepts PayPal nowadays and with the Purchase Protection service, you can confidently pay for goods & services without the risk of being scammed. You can also make payments to family & friends at little to no fees, depending on your
PayPal Mobile Cash is also one of the most secure financial apps on iOS with state-of-the-art encryption technology integration, fraud protection, and extra layers like fingerprint and two-factor authentication for virtually a bulletproof unhackable & convenient wallet that you can carry around on your iPhone.
It can’t get any secure than that so how about trying the app today?